Dog Chocolate Toxicity Meter

Nov 14, 2019

Most humans love indulging in their favorite chocolate treat but unfortunately, ingesting chocolate can result in significant illness for your dog. Chocolate is toxic for your dog because it contains both caffeine and a chemical called theobromine which are both from the methylxanthine family; two chemicals that dogs cannot metabolize as well as humans.

If your dog ate chocolate, contact your emergency vet immediately.

Use this calculator from PetMD to learn how it will affect your dog.

Dog Chocolate Toxicity Meter

Tips for Change

Join fellow supporters for a night out at SideTrack Bar+Grill in Pleasanton! Save the date for April 23, 5-8 pm, and enjoy dinner at SideTrack as our volunteers serve up delicious dishes, earning your tips for a great cause. 10% of sales and all tips aid our lifesaving efforts.