“Joey is a 2 year old male brown tabby with lots of love to give. He was rescued back in August from a local county shelter. On the ride from the shelter to VHS, he jumped out of his kennel and rode shotgun with the driver, enjoying the scenery outside. Recently, he had an accident at VHS where he broke his leg. We had hoped we could fix it with a pin, but unfortunately the damage was too severe and his leg was amputated. Joey gets along just fine with three legs. His big heart makes up for the loss of the limb! For more information, call us at 925-426-8656 or go online to www.valleyhumane.org or www.facebook.com/ValleyHumaneSociety to see our other adoptable dogs and cats waiting for you! Valley Humane Society is located at 3670 Nevada Street in Pleasanton. We are open Tuesdays & Wednesdays 9AM-2PM, Thursdays & Fridays 12-7pm, Saturdays 10-4pm, and Sundays 12-4pm.”
Get Your Tickets for Tails!
Join Valley Humane Society for our 11th annual Tails at Twilight gala on April 12 at Casa Real in Pleasanton.
Enjoy live and silent auctions, champagne reception, seated dinner, dancing, and more, while raising funds for our lifesaving programs. Order your tickets today!