Beth wrote recently to let us know how it’s been going. She reports, “Scooby’s now named Cooper, and he is doing really well. He loves food, playing outside, and snuggling up with us for naps. We love his personality! We have started puppy training and he is learning quickly.”
That’s wonderful, Beth and Cooper! We are so happy for both of you!
Your Turn-Tell Us Your Story!
Have you recently adopted a cat or dog from Valley Humane? Let us know how things are going! Send your cutest, clearest photos and all those adorable details about life with your new best friend in the form below. Be sure to include your first and last name and your pet’s shelter name (if known).
Your stories and photos will show others that happiness and love may be found with a rescued animal, and encourage them to consider adopting their next pet. Valley Humane Society may use the items you send in print or online, in The Scoop e-newsletter, program brochures, donor mailings, social media, or other materials. Items may be edited for length, content, and/or quality.