Toulouse and Beta aren’t anything alike. Toulouse is splashed with black and white like an abstract artist’s canvas, while Beta bears the more orderly tiger stripes of a brown tabby. Toulouse prefers to bury himself in blankets for a power nap, while Beta would much rather romp with visiting doggie friends. Fortunately, the two have the best possible thing in common: a family. After many trips to VHS looking for the perfect kitten, it turned out that for adopters Adam and Anjuli, there were
two. So it was that Toulouse and Beta (now named Keeber) share love and laughter with a wonderful new family, including new sibling Gia, a German Shepherd who adores them. “They constantly keep us laughing,” says Anjuli. “They have both brought so much joy to everyone who meets them!”
Have you recently adopted a cat or dog from Valley Humane? Let us know how things are going! Send your cutest, clearest photos and all those adorable details about life with your new best friend to adoptions@valleyhumane.org. Be sure to include your first and last name and your pet’s VHS name (if known).