Tips for a Low-Stress Move with Pets

Jun 14, 2022

Moving with pets raises human stress levels, and your cats and dogs are no different. While many dogs enjoy adventure and visiting new places (and smells!), cats identify closely with their home territory. And a move can put any pet’s tail in a twist when it disrupts their routine. An unfamiliar location, smells, and sounds raise levels of fear, anxiety, or stress (FAS).

Learn more from this great article by Fear Free. Click here to read.

Tips for Change

Join fellow supporters for a night out at SideTrack Bar+Grill in Pleasanton! Save the date for April 23, 5-8 pm, and enjoy dinner at SideTrack as our volunteers serve up delicious dishes, earning your tips for a great cause. 10% of sales and all tips aid our lifesaving efforts.