Top 10 Reasons to Adopt a Kitten

Jul 13, 2017

  1. You need a good laugh…daily.
  2. You need a better excuse to attend CatCon 2017.
  3. You just learned that listening to the sound of purring can reduce your stress level.
  4. Too many dust bunnies have accumulated under your sofa.
  5. You’re inexplicably cold now that it’s “only” 88 degrees, and you’d like something to cover your head while you sleep.
  6. You’re trying to get famous using the Internet.
  7. ‘Cuz houseflies. And spiders.
  8. You get lonely going to the bathroom by yourself.
  9. Your plan for total world domination is lacking needs a muse.
  10. Do you really need a reason to adopt a kitten?

View our adoptable kittens now.

Learn more about our adoption procedures.

Tips for Change

Join fellow supporters for a night out at SideTrack Bar+Grill in Pleasanton! Save the date for April 23, 5-8 pm, and enjoy dinner at SideTrack as our volunteers serve up delicious dishes, earning your tips for a great cause. 10% of sales and all tips aid our lifesaving efforts.