Finding a New Home
Valley Humane Society has long been a resource for pets in our community who find themselves in need of a new home. We have always been pleased to offer the public a place to privately surrender guardianship of their pets. Our first priority, however, is to the animals in imminent danger of being euthanized at our local municipal shelters. Therefore, in order to maximize our lifesaving capabilities, we adhere to strict intake guidelines.
All private surrender requests are screened. Acceptance of surrendered pets depends on available space, the results of health and behavior assessments, and proximity to our service area. Recognizing that older animals and those with special needs do not fare well in public shelters, VHS reserves 10% of our space for these special souls; more than that may not be admitted until space becomes available. VHS reserves the right to deny admission to an animal for any reason.
Due to the number of surrender requests we receive on a daily basis, we are unable to take in every animal that is brought to us.
Those that we can take in are placed on our wait list, which can range from several weeks to several months. If the wait list reaches extreme length, we may close it to prevent misrepresenting our capacity to the public. Even if you are on our wait list, it is in you and your pet’s best interest to continue exploring alternative rehoming options. We suggest taking all available steps to find an adopter on your own, such as:
- Post on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
- Create flyers; reach out to friends
- Visit
Home to Home helps pets stay out of shelters. It is a unique, direct-to-adopter tool for pet guardians looking to re-home their animals. In just a few simple steps, pets can find a loving new home without ever seeing the inside of a shelter. It’s free to use for both guardians and adopters, and gives animals needing a new home the best of both worlds: their current guardian can find the best fit, and their adopter can learn all about their personality and preferences first-hand. It’s a win-win for pets!
Please contact us for more information about our pet surrender guidelines, wait list, ideas for rehoming your pet, or if you wish to surrender an animal.
Please note: By law, VHS cannot accept strays, found animals, or drop offs.
Animals found in the cities of Pleasanton, Livermore, and Dublin should be taken to:
East County Animal Shelter in Dublin
4595 Gleason Drive (off Tassajara/Santa Rita Road)
If you live in another city, please take animals to your local municipal shelter.

There are many ways to help!
Shop our wish list, purchase a memorial wall tile, or sponsor an event...there are many other ways to support Valley Humane Society's programs and services.