Neglected Bulldog Needs $10,000 in Medical Treatment; Valley Humane Society Asks Community for Help with Beatrice

Apr 21, 2018

April 24, 2018—With most rescued animals, their background is a complete mystery. But for Beatrice the bulldog, her past is written all over her body…and the story it tells is one of neglect. From raging ear infections to toenails so long they wrap around her feet, Beatrice has a number of ailments that make it clear the two-year-old English bulldog mix has suffered a lack of care for some time. With veterinary cost estimates running upwards of $10,000 for just the urgent work, Valley Humane Society is asking for the community’s assistance in helping Beatrice.

The list is long. In addition to the toenails, Beatrice has terrible gingivitis, difficulty breathing, and a cherry eye which has turned black. Her ingrown eyelashes are a constant source of irritation, and she has never been spayed. Worst of all, however, are her ears. What likely began as a simple ear infection has turned into a massive inflammation that will require the removal of both ear canals and eardrums, leaving Beatrice completely deaf. To top it all off, she must first recover from an upper respiratory infection before any treatment can begin.

Still, she is a relatively young dog, and can enjoy a good life with the proper care. Though the $10,000 price tag is unusual for a single animal, and only covers the urgent issues, all Beatrice’s complaints are treatable. “Once an animal is in our care, Valley Humane Society is committed to providing what is needed. But beyond that, Beatrice deserves a shot at a long and happy life,” said Executive Director Melanie Sadek.

Even $5 or $10 contributions will help restore Beatrice to health, says Sadek. If enough money is raised, Valley Humane Society plans to perform the non-critical work as well. Funds not needed for Beatrice will be similarly used for other rescued animals. Beatrice will be available for adoption in two to three months when her medical treatments are complete.

To donate toward Beatrice’s care, please visit or call (925) 426-8656. Donations may also be sent by mail, care of: Beatrice/Medical Fund, Valley Humane Society, 3670 Nevada Street, Pleasanton, CA 94566.

Pet Food Drive

Enjoy summer festivities at the Alameda County Fair in Pleasanton and make a difference for pets in need. On Wednesday, June 19, from 12 to 5 pm, your pet food donation will earn you free fair admission.