Pet of the Week: Nala

Jan 29, 2014

If the lion is king of the jungle, Nala might well be its gossip columnist. The chatty 9-month-old grey and orange torbie takes pride in her sociability and would probably do well with other cats…if they don’t mind her sharing their business! Get the latest from Nala at Valley Humane Society (VHS), located at 3670 Nevada Street in Pleasanton. VHS is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am – 4 pm. For more information, please call (925) 426-8656.

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Get Your Tickets for Tails!

Join Valley Humane Society for our 11th annual Tails at Twilight gala on April 12 at Casa Real in Pleasanton.

Enjoy live and silent auctions, champagne reception, seated dinner, dancing, and more, while raising funds for our lifesaving programs. Order your tickets today!