SIX adoptions today!

Oct 18, 2009

We had a busy day today at the shelter!
Not one…not two….not even three….but SIX adoptions!

Thomas reports, “Cinderella went to a family of four.Mimi went to a couple from Concord. Molokai & Oliver to woman and her son. Superwoman and Alladin to a nice family of four.”

So, this is who was adopted-
Molokai and Oliver
Superwoman and Aladdin

Isn’t that amazing!?

Tips for Change

Join fellow supporters for a night out at SideTrack Bar+Grill in Pleasanton! Save the date for April 23, 5-8 pm, and enjoy dinner at SideTrack as our volunteers serve up delicious dishes, earning your tips for a great cause. 10% of sales and all tips aid our lifesaving efforts.