Special Pets Need Special Homes

Dec 9, 2021

PLEASANTON, California—December 9, 2021—There’s a perfect home for every adoptable dog and cat, but some pets take a little longer to pick theirs. Now through December 30, Valley Humane Society is waiving all adoption fees to help some of our more selective friends find a home for the holidays.

Peek-a-Boo is a sassy 3-year-old tuxedo cat whose birdwatching skills are unparalleled. She’d like a quiet window where she can watch the world undisturbed by man or beast (until she decides otherwise). She tolerates the other feline residents of Kitty City, and enjoys spending time on Valley Humane Society’s sheltered outdoor “catio.”

Peek-a-Boo arrived at Valley Humane with a case of bladder stones, and has been put on a prescription diet as a result. Valley Humane Society will cover the first year of Peek-a-Boo’s special diet after adoption. Allure is an exuberant, friendly, adult mixed-breed dog. She was found stray, transferring to Valley Humane Society
with her litter of puppies, and she’s ready to be doted upon by a family of her own. A shadow-in-training, Allure loves her toys, and may play with them…but prefers to be by someone’s side. She’s an assertive nudger when her belly rubs are overdue, and would love an active family with whom to stay busy.

There are many independent cats and active pups waiting to go home! Time is not running out in the traditional
sense for these animals, as they are all welcome to remain at Valley Humane Society until adoption. Time is simply
running out for them to find a family of their own before the end of this year! And, while they will be lovingly cared
for, well fed, and safely sheltered, as anyone who has spent the holidays in a hotel can attest, it’s not the same as
being in your own home.

Adoptions are conducted by appointment; people are encouraged to view available pets at valleyhumane.org and fill
out an application online. All applicants are contacted by telephone and scheduled to meet their desired pet. Valley
Humane Society will be closed Friday, December 31 and Saturday, January 1 to observe the new year, so potential
adopters should act quickly.

Get Your Tickets for Tails!

Join Valley Humane Society for our 11th annual Tails at Twilight gala on April 12 at Casa Real in Pleasanton.

Enjoy live and silent auctions, champagne reception, seated dinner, dancing, and more, while raising funds for our lifesaving programs. Order your tickets today!